Sunday, September 27, 2009

What is L.O.V.E.

Love is around everywhere sometimes even when we don't even know it. Love is beautiful and Love is real. Love is a strong emotion that shows the affection for that one special person. Love is knowing that person will be there threw the harder trials in your life. Love is saying the nicest things even when that person doesn't want to hear it. Telling her that she's beautiful. Love is being by that persons side when it seems like everything is going wrong. Always keeping a smile on their face no matter what time of the day it is. When you touch or kiss it feels like the world stops and its just the two of you. You care for that person endlessly no questions asked. Love is telling that person that you’re here for them and you don’t care what no one else says. The attraction is unstoppable and no other girl or guy that tries to break you two apart has no match. Love is something special so cherish it and use it wisely.Slide 1


Jon said...

Anytime I see love spoke about or mention it always has strong values etched to that one word...Everyone is looking for something they know makes tham happy and most don't know why they are happy..Very intresting

fatou said...

love is mostly everything when two people are feeling the same way about each other. Love has different aspects in life and can also do some damage in life. Good topic...