Friday, February 26, 2010


Social Classes just put you in a certain group with certain people those believe the three-part model to be rich, middle class, and poor. All social classes base off wealth, occupation, and education. I realize even through out our school, the jobs we attend ,and social activites; are all divided. In many movies you see this through out all high schools. In stepehenson you see the Pretty Young Thangz, Jocks, cheerleaders, and Diamonds. I feel we shouldnt let those stereotypes defeat us into a mind game, and branch out into different gropus.

In the show Real House Wives of Atlanta shows their life as rich upper class people who are married into the rich, or independent women who do for themselves.

In the movie John Tucker Must Die girls from different cliques fight over a boy, and because they were all in different cliques they all get played by the same boy.


Anonymous said...

I love the Real Housewives!

Anyway, I don't really fit into any social stereotype. Society wise, I'm middle middle class but when I am older and have my career I'll be higher up ;)

Anonymous said...

I kno right. The tennis team has no love whatsoever. Smh.