Thursday, November 12, 2009

Teen Pregnancy

Teen pregnancy is something that many teens go through at a early age, unexpectedly finding out that they are now pregnant. When this happens there is much responsibility that comes along with it. For instance, more work at school, less quality time with friends, and any other extra-curricular activities. It may create an emotional crisis for yourself including shame and fear, you may give in to peer pressure much more than usual. The stress will eventually build up, leading to you telling your parents, and others that are really close to you. Also finding help to support your child, being able to finish work in class, and trying to live your life the way you want. All of this can be avoided by using protection, and making sure the female is on birth-control to prevent pregnancy, or just plain abstinence. The United States has the highest rates of teenage pregnancy and births in the western industrialized world. Teen pregnancy costs the United States at least $7 billion annually. Every year around 750,000 teenagers will get pregnant, and more than 2/3 of all teenagers who have a baby will not graduate from high school.


Danielle said...


Anonymous said...

I'm gonna be honest, I look down on those that get knocked up at such an early age. It's just plan irresponsible. It's a shame that the United States has spent SO MUCH money on teenage pregnacy. It's a shame that such a thing can be avoided but people just don't take precautions.

Kelcie said...

The statistic you put in this post should be a wake up call to people. Prevention and protection is key, but teens let "the heat of the moment" get the best of them.

PandappleExpress said...

i agree with you, responsibility at a young age to take care of a child is like so not worth it, well maybe in the long run, depends though. some people actually make it out alive, through some planning and maybe a bit of money oh and don't forget about the support and love you get from your friends and family.

Tai Destiny said...

How old is that girl on the magazine! She looks really young... but they're getting even younger. And it's not even always due to rape. Younger girls are actually deciding to have sex instead of play with barbie dolls.

Danielle said...

I really don't think teen pregnancy is right. it really does limit you from doing a lot of things and you can't leave a normal teenage life anymore.It's just wrong.